Friday, December 16, 2005

Japan #2 - baking with a electronic rice cooker

courtesy of Yaktate! Japan
How to make Japan #2

Bread Flour 350g
Butter 21g
Sugar 21g
Milk 35cc
Water 180cc
Dry yeast 5g
Salt 6.5g

1. mix ingredients in cooking container
2. knead the ingredients
3. then add the butter
4. knead it some more, thoroughly
5. when it no longer feels sticky, shape it so that it's round
6. leave it in a warm place for 60 minutes (primary fermentation)
7. then the dough will 'rise'. next, you have to get rid of the extra gas.
( don't grind it with your fist! all you need to do is drop it from a height of 50cm)
8. once you've released the gas, start the secondary fermentation. leave it for 60 minutes
9. then, switch on the button on the rice cooker. now, you're finally baking it.
10. after about 60 minutes in the rice cooker, one side will be baked. turn it over, and cook it again.

then, once that's done, turn it over once more and cook it once again.
after 3 rounds, you're done!

just a little work and you can have a freshly baked, fluffy fluffy Japan #2!
adding eggs or green tea to suit your taste isn't a bad idea too!

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